
the Ultimate Meeting is underrated

category: general [glöplog]
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this as one of the orgas of the tUM console / handheld compo, but this is somehow a feeling which I have for weeks now and I have to express.

Have you noticed what tUM offered their visitors this year? A second stage with live (!) DJs, GBA demoshow, DC dancing contest, a very cool pizza wave (incl. the possibility to order pizzas via intranet), internet, a really warm sleeping hall, a live gig of the SID/rock band "Pornophonique" on the main stage, real metals as prizes, more than just "PC/WiLD/C64/Musicrelated" compos (pr0n -powered by MetalVotze-, console / handheld, Amiga, ...), the download of prods even before the voting deadline at the party, live internet voting, webcams, and so on (I don't want to bore you)...

Just saying that because at tUM*o4 there were less people than on tUM*o3 and I'm just curious why... it would deserve much more attention in my honest opinion.

Sorry for advertising. ;)
added on the 2005-01-11 19:45:23 by freeze freeze
There was a sleeping hall?!
Indeed. Right behind the big screen. Very quite and warm.
added on the 2005-01-11 19:52:18 by freeze freeze
what the fuck there was a sleeping hall?!!!

i was also under the assumption that tum*04 had more ppl than previous years (which i didn't attend), but maybe i'm wrong.

nevertheless, marketing for tum*05 is already ongoing in Finland.
added on the 2005-01-11 19:55:04 by uncle-x uncle-x
yeah, next year with 50 finns :)

personally i think that "low" amount of people is not directly related to underrateness. maybe this year people were e.g more hurry. or have you got much bad feedback?

oh and i actually found that sleeping "hall", but hey wasn't that more like a dressing room? :)
added on the 2005-01-11 20:05:57 by shadez shadez
shadez: aren't partyplace sleepinghalls always dressing rooms?;-)
added on the 2005-01-11 20:11:15 by uncle-x uncle-x
in simulaatio2 there surely were whole hall for sleeping :)

the point is that there were some hundreds of people and the sleeping hall was able to carry about 20 (can't say for sure because of drunk condition and darkness)
added on the 2005-01-11 20:15:18 by shadez shadez
I found out there was a sleeping hall the last day when Zania and Demeritus went back there looking for something and I was talking to Demeritus.

I slept not 20 ... um... feet. Short distance... 6 meters? something like that? From the entrance (:

Ah well. TUM ruled. Everyone should try to make it there next year.
truck: you mean we should not go this year? ;D
added on the 2005-01-11 22:00:00 by madMixx madMixx
TUM was real fun - recommended!

Only freezes behaviour towards my newest girlfriend was NOT OK!!!

BB Image

added on the 2005-01-11 22:02:31 by Spin Spin
Argh! Darn, those photos still exist? I thought I deleted em all from your digital camera. :(

I'm very sorry for my behaviour and that I made her clothes dirty with those... err... white spots.. Of course I'll pay for a new dress.
added on the 2005-01-11 22:44:26 by freeze freeze
Have a new haircut while you're spending!
Errr... I'm the left one on the pic...
added on the 2005-01-11 23:21:03 by freeze freeze
Yes, of course, this year. TUM, 2005. In like 50 weeks. (:
No no, just a regular sleeping hall.
There was a sleeping hall like there was an info desk where you could've asked for it. But then again, I've often enough sleped near my computer, sometimes sitting just in front of it. ;)
Uh, what the heck? I thought it was you, MadenMann, who came in the sleeping hall the last night and cuddled me all the time... and... and... touched me... so softly on... on spots even I didn't know about.......
added on the 2005-01-12 00:32:27 by freeze freeze
Freeze: I was totally drunken, I don't remember _how_ I came the last night into the sleeping hall. ;)
Freeze..yes. I know what you look like :)
freeze, what's the problem man? i mean, the party rocked, *you* knew there was a sleeping hall and everybody had a great time. most especially, you had a great time. recognition is for wussies. just be happy you didn't miss it like all those others who did.
added on the 2005-01-12 09:09:02 by skrebbel skrebbel
Since DJs and live performers are already becoming rather commonplace (Warning: Scene Event plugging ahead), I'm not really sure what your point is irl to Tum being underrated.

The way things were organized was pretty spiffy (pizza thing was pretty handy -even though I never used it), and nearly everything was running great. I think word of mouth will grab you guys some extra guests because of that. The internet voting was a nice touch, but didn't really contribute anything (especially since the internet voting results were broken during the prizegiving ceremony).

What I'd really worry about is to avoid the ass-tastic beamer from this time. Three fucking rows of connectors, and no composite or PAL 60?!
added on the 2005-01-12 11:41:25 by Shifter Shifter
TUM is not underrated imho... it offers many goodies and since 2002, when I first visited it, it has been growing in quality and party feeling.
About the visitors amount, it looked bigger than last year, but of course you orgas might know better than me... and anyway, big crowds are not needed to make a cool event, you need scene feeling and quality releases (alas, you can't do anything about the latters)
added on the 2005-01-12 11:42:22 by dixan dixan
I'd like to go to tUM, but due to my crappy holiday allowance and my not amazing salary, I can only go to one demo party, so I go to BP.
added on the 2005-01-12 11:46:54 by xeron xeron
... mind you, if tUM was in the UK, i'd go :-)
added on the 2005-01-12 11:47:15 by xeron xeron
