
Fat10Print 32b by Excess Team

| Full name of work: Fat 10 Print BK0011m
| Compo: Oldschool 32b intro 
| Size: 32b
| Requirements: Elektronika BK0011m
| Contacts: adam@bazaroff.com

| First shown on LoveByte 2023 demoparty
| Code: Adam Bazaroff/Excess team

| Video: https://youtu.be/Oa4m-xxe5Qo

How to run on real computer?

	Just load "ft10prnt.wav" on BK0011m via 3,5jack <> 5din cable.

How to run on emulator?

Windows: "gid BK emulator" http://gid.pdp-11.ru

		1. Choose "БК0011М + МСТД" in Configuration
		2. Press and hold Space key. If you see Basic, then reset and hold Space again. You must see something like "000000", symbol "@" and cursor. Press "L", then hit Enter.
		3. Click cassette icon on emulator panel. Then find "ft10prnt.bin". After loading, you will see "@" and cursor again. Press "G". (If cassette icon unavailable, press "Num 1" (or choose "Эмулировать загрузку ленты (Emulate load tape operations)" in "Опции (Options)" menu)).

macOS: "BK2010" java emulator http://sandro.pdp-11.ru

		1. Move "ft10prnt" file to "files" folder.
		2. Select BK0011M+DISK in "Machine type". Start emulator.
		3. Press and hold Space key. You must see something like "000000", symbol "@" and cursor.
		4. Type "L" (Load), then "ft10prnt", press Enter.
		5. Type "G" (Go!)
		6. Enjoy

| More BK stuff on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUv_-dSuj9a5O7fCcu4_Rw
| BK0010/11M telegram channel: https://t.me/bk0010_11m