
JagRoto512 by 42Bastian [web]

;;; JagRoto512
;;; Jaguar Boot-intro Rotozoomer with 3 different textures in 512 Bytes
;;; 208x208 pixels, "real-time"
;;; 8 Bytes free
;;; Author: 42Bastian
;;; Compo: Any which fits :-)
;;; Runs only from JagGD, as it is a boot intro and needs a Model M Jaguar!
;;; Compo-Info: First version was little above 256. Since I could not shrink it
;;;             I went for the next power of two and add more goodies :-)
;;; Files:
;;; irqstub.S - 68k patch code
;;; JagRoto512.bin - raw intro
;;; JagRoto512.j64 - encrypted intro
;;; JagRoto512.js  - GPU source
;;; Makefile       - guess
;;; nfo.txt        - this file