
Rock Paper Scissors by Logiker


Author: Logiker
Category: 256 Bytes Game
System: C64, BASIC V2
Short Description: 
A C64 BASIC Game with PETSCII Graphics that implements Rock Paper Scissors
The game:
Everybody knows the game Rock Paper Scissors. There are two players, and both select one out of the three objects. Rules apply, where paper beats rock, rock beats scissors and scissors beat paper. If both players have the same object it’s a draw.
How to play:
You play against the computer. Select Rock Paper Scissors by typing a number from 1 to 3. The computer will select his object. Finally, you can see both objects and will get the result. After pressing any key, the game will automatically continue with another round.
- 256 Bytes including starting address and final bytes
- no file optimization done/needed
- Implemented with the additional restriction of only using one BASIC line