
Particles of the Death by Spöntz [web]

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           .odNNMMMMMMMmy/-.`` .:/ossyyyyso+/:-.-/yNMMMMMNmy:              
 ::::::::::::::::::::    Spontz demogroup presents    ::::::::::::::::::::

                       --- Particles of the death ---


     isaac2: shaders + 3D design
        amb: music + inspiration
   merlucin: direction + opengl effects
      seuck: loading screen
   Particles. The world is made of them. Everyone can create them. Even in
   the bathroom after a night of boozing, you create particles. We have
   been experimenting with different settings of the particle engine in
   order to test it and, in the meantime, repairing some memory leaks.
   Khrome got a virus (I mean a real one) and couldn't write the music this
   time. Then AMB shown a theme to merlucin and he got really impressed, so
   they started to work in a demo prototype. The idea was making a demo with
   a single scene, evolving into different scenes, but it could be that way
   because the lack of time, mutating in what you have just downloaded :)
   We usually work at night, through skype and shitty VNC screen sharings.
   If you are wondering why this demo is so slow, there are two reasons:
   the music, of course, but also the VNC connection, that works better with
   still images! :)


   Our last production for the BCN party was the first part of die anderung
   so we though it was time of releasing a new entry! The only problem was
   that this happened only one week before the deadline, and taking into
   account that we work everyday to get food and keep producing, we are
   quite happy with the final result!
   What you have here is a modified version of the Cosmosis: Remix engine.
   Basically the news are that there are a lot of bug fixes here and there,
   the particle engine has been improved, and isaac2 has constructed new
   We recommend a machine with these specs:
      - O.S: MacOSX 10.4 (Win version comming soon)
      - CPU: Intel core 2 duo with 2 GHz's
      - GFX: Card with PS2.0 support and 128Mb VRAM
      - Sound: MP3 capable :)
   If you are one of the unfortunate owners of a macbook computer forget
   this demo. Try the video version instead, put it in full screen, and
   imagine that it is running in realtime.

   We would like to greet:
               Fuzzion    Stravaganza    Collapse
                   xplsv    Software failure
                Necrostudios    RGBA    Network
                   Zona Neutra   Threepixels

   thanks for the good mood and keep producing! 
   This demo is licensed under Creative Commons deed:
     Attribution 3.0 Unported
   You can reach us in:
