
comeback by Surellix

³ 1. ABOUT...                           ³
ú  Let's start with some quick instructions for running the demo.
   Comeback needs:

      - A 80386+ or compatible.
      - Approximately 500 kb of free base-memory.
      - A GUS,SB,PAS or compatible soundcard (optional).
      - About 300 kb of EMS memory (None if you select GUS or Silence).

   A fast 486 and a GUS is recommended, since this will greatly improve the
   quality of the demo. On _very_ slow computers (Say 25 MHz and below), the
   demo might freak out or something. The slowest machine we tried was a
   486/33 with SoundBlaster (It worked fine). If the demo doesn't run, try
   different configurations of memory-managers and such.

   This demo is written using Borland Pascal, but most parts use mainly
   assembler-routines. The sound-player is called Bells,Whistles and Sound-
   boards, and it is written by Zilym Limms/OverThrowMachine, who did a hell
   of a job. Next time, all code will probably be Assembler and our own music-
   player will be finished.

   We decided to make a demo for the X'96 competition-party after Xenomorph
   and I (Prowler), went to Belgium to the Wired'95 party, where we met a lot
   of cool scene-freaks. A few weeks before X'96, the actual work started.
   I had a few effects floating around, and I started to glue them together.
   In the process, I learned how to time my routines with the very usefull help
   of Jal/Nostalgia. In the final week, all parts fell together nicely, with
   The Extirpator composing the cool music, and Xenomorph writing the Setup,
   Intro and Outtro parts.

³ 2. Who are we?                        ³
ú  The current official memberstatus of Surellix is as follows:

	 ³ Reallife name     ³ Handle         ³ Duty             ³ Study       ³
	 ³ Jeroen Bouwens    ³ Prowler        ³ Coder            ³ Physics     ³
	 ³ Rob Harbers       ³ Xenomorph      ³ Coder            ³ Informatics ³
	 ³ Maarten Kuijpers  ³ The Extirpator ³ Music            ³ Informatics ³
	 ³ Michiel vd Donker ³ Xenophon       ³ Rendering        ³ Physics     ³
	 ³ Roland Witvoet    ³ Redman         ³ WWW/Beta-testing ³ Informatics ³

   As you can see, we are in desperate need of a gfx-artist. If you feel the
   urge to contact us for this or some other reason, here's how:

   Prowler        :  j.bouwens@tn.ft.hse.nl  (Fido: 2.284/123.3)
   Xenomorph      :  mb490@hi.ft.hse.nl
   The Extirpator :  mb509@hi.ft.hse.nl
   Xenophon       :  michield@stack.urc.tue.nl
   Redman         :  redman@dds.nl

   Or check out our homepage at: www.il.ft.hse.nl/~redman

³ 3. What will the future bring?  ³
ú  At this moment, we have absolutely no well-defined plans for the future. We
   might ever release a demo again, or we might not, we simply don't know. If
   another demo will be released, it'll be sure to contain a hell of a lot
   more 3D parts. Currently, Prowler is in the process of writing a 3D-engine
   together with Phred/OverThrowMachine (Or the other way around :). It will
   feature a _lot_ of very nice and cool options. For example shading-types
   ranging from no-texture/no-shading up to phong-reflection-mapping (Aren't
   we fantastic :).
   This engine will probably take up a lot of time, but it's a pretty sure
   thing to happen. For the rest: Who can tell? Probably our own XM-player,
   perhaps pmode, meybe 100% assembler, perhaps nothing. There's no way of
³ 4. What to do with this demo (Disclaimer) ³
ú  This software is not freeware. You may distribute it freely as long as no
	 money is charged for it without prior permission from the authors. This is
   also a prohibition for charged distribution on CD-ROM's, Zip-disks,
   Jazz-disks, Tapes or any other distibution medium currently available or to
   be developed in the future.
   Parts of the code or data contained in this product may be used in other
   software, provided it is not commercial, and provided the authors are given
   credit where credit is due.

   (God, I hate these parts :).

                  Thank you for reading this,
