
samba by Replay

          replay invites you to vote for the 3rd issue of SHINE.

 just fill in the enclosed voteform and send it to eighter baloo or goofy.
 there is NO good excuse, you'll notice it. promotion. advertisment music.

 biolic maths                                             coin
 mono graphics                                     baloo.goofy 
 surrealistic sound                                     poison
 alcoholic poetry                             baloo.goofy.coin

 da dass boot is waiting. blupp.

 hidden bonus:
 complete member list of replay!!! jejeje!!!
 baloo, balrog, coin, goofy, piglet, whisker . no-one else. even if someone
 else claims that he is a member, he is just a filthy liar, and should be
 stoned to death. even, we might do some exceptions for some of you.
 oh lalala.

 blupp. sinking.