
Function by Recreation

                      function (c) 1997 recreation


        code  : spector
        music : limbo duck

        music system: cubic tiny gus player
        pmode/w : tran & daredevil


        Not much of memory (6mb should way enough)
        Use set ultrasnd for music with gus, without
        set ultrasnd intro uses automatically nosound.
        For proper outlook TRY to use VBE 2.0. Without that
        the intro will be in grayscale mode (quite ugly, tho).
        da pmode/w is version 1.22 which DOES NOT work with
        memory (ems) more than 16mb (perhaps ;----).


        this whole package is copyrighted by recreation.
        the organizers of TP7 have our permission to include
        this production on their cd, others should ask it
        from us.

                                signed: spector / recreation
                                        04.10 (am)