
perln256 by Checkpoint [web]

; perln256,  a 256 bytetro.                                         July, 2003
; size:  237 bytes.
; Z-Rot-Zoomer
; with procedural texture using Perlin-Noise
; Written by Carsten Koeckritz <Defjam/Checkpoint>
; http://checkpoint.atari.org
; http://defjam.atari.org
; defjam_cp@gmx.net
; tested & written on a PII/350MHz,
; might run much too fast on higher configurations.
; try a version from /speedequ/ then. 
; (or replace the <fidiv word ptr[ds:n160]> by another pointer. ;)
; Files:
; DISCLAIMER       in case something went wrong
; perln256.asm     sourcecode
; perln256.com     executable com-file
; perln256.png     screenshot
; perln256.txt     this text
; /speedequ/       2 bytes larger version, but with definable speed.
;                  + sourcecode & some pre-assembled versions.
;                  (for faster processors)
; Sorry for the too much commented source.
; Code could be even shorter, I know.
; Thanks to Baze's 256bytetros for the inspiration making me start
; coding this little thingie.
; Do you recognize the ATARI(tm) Fuji(tm) like sign in the texture?  :)