
64kb of waste by Brainlez Coders!

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...Sixtyfour Kilobytes Of Waste! - One of the BC! Contributions to JUHLA 2½...

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        Ok. This is the final version of our JUHLA kaks&puel 64kb intro.
        Support added for SoundBlasters, PAS and WSS. 

        This intro came FOURTH (4th!!!) in the competition. bC! kix ass!
                                        Coded by SLIVER/BC!
                                             and HEAP/BC!
                                        Gfxed by SLIVER/BC!
                                        Music by PAKOSARJA/BC!
                                        Music System: MIDAS 0.32c
        Actually HEAP made only that 'VAARATONTA ISKUA EI OLE!!' zoomer..
        And I had to fix it, coz it took over 10kilos, now it takes only
        1.5 kilos.. (I removed the cool font away from it :))

                             ,--'~        ~`-._
                          ,-'~  ZZzzzzZZZ      \
                         /'     Z   ,zZZ'      (
                        (        ,zZZZ'         \
                         \      zZZ'    Z        )
                          \     ZZZzzzzZZ       /
                           `---,._ ._____.,---'~
                              | |' )              __
                           _,p' ^ (    ____      (  |
                          (   ----.`--'____)-----'  |
                        /                             \
                       /                               \
                      /  I guess that was all about it  \
                 ________ |__________________________|
                 \sLivEr/ |__________________________|

   (Ok, It just doesn't look like Snoopy, but hey, it was about 04:30am
    when I did that one :))

    ,x%XXXXX%x                               _,x%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%x.
   %&"~    ~"&x                                                   ~"&X%.
   "&%    _.x&'  "Coders Do It With A Routine!"                     `&X'
    "&%                                                              &"
     "&X%._           "...Nerds Do It With A Hand..."                %
       "&XXXXXX%x,._                                                 :
            ~"&XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%x._ _