
Astral Blur by The Black Lotus [web]

 ∙ Astral Blur
  From The Gathering '97
  by The Black Lotus
  3rd in the compo. CNCD and Rage kicked our ass, blame them.

 ∙ credits
  Nix         Main gfx code, Design
  Azazel      Music, Design
  Jace        Additional gfx code
  Balance     System code, Music replay
  Danny       Graphics
  Lowlife     Graphics
  Louie       Graphics
 ∙ required
  cpu   - 486+FPU required, Fast Pentium strongly recommended.
  sound - Tested with good results on GUS Classis-1mb, GUS Max-1mb,
          GUS PnP-1mb, GUS PnP-Pro-1mb, SB2.0, SB-Pro.
          SB-AWE32 works fine when using /S /F commandline options.
          SB-16 seems to work fine as well with /S /F commandline options,
          although I know of some people not getting it to work. We're sorry.
  video - A cool video card, see below for more details.

 . help!
  Yes, you did it, you downloaded 4.5mb, and now you can't get it to work,
  well, maybe I can help you out.

  The most critical thing is getting the videostuff to work properly, we
  recommend downloading Scitechs Display Docter software, which should
  provide a quitte bugless VBE2.0 environment. You can get it at
  ftp.scitechsoft.com. Running it might solve a lot of trouble.

  Maybe it still doesn't work, maybe it doesn't start at all, however,
  there's not much I can help you with, if you are inside win95 it might
  be smart to restart in ms-dos mode, otherwise, I haven't got a clue.

  Maybe it did start, but it crashed halfway. Sorry again, I can't solve
  it, although watching the demo without sound might work, use the -N
  commandline option.

  Maybe the demo does start, and doesn't crash halfway, but some parts
  look really fucked up. This is due to an error in the emulation of 320*200
  in hi-resolution modes. It's our fault, and you probably can't solve it.
  Watch it one someone else's pc. We're sorry.

 ∙ bugfix?
   No there isn't any, and there probably won't be one anytime soon.
   However, if we get over 250 people request a bugfix, we'll reconsider.

 ∙ Contact