
Ambience 2001

added on the 2000-08-30 12:21:23 by analogue analogue
animationtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st wild Animation/Video Legoland by Parabyte 3 1 0 0.75
2nd wild Animation/Video No Attitute by No Attitude 1 3 0 0.25
5th wild Animation/Video Nul Vleugel by rECTUM cAUDA 1 0 2 -0.33
6th wild Animation/Video The Chair II by Chairkeepers 2 0 1 0.33
gamedevtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st game Windows Woei 2 by ECFh [web] 0 3 4 -0.57
pc demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Windows stigma by Emotive 5 12 1 0.22
2nd demo Windows radon by Air & The Third Foundation [web] 1 3 1 0.00
3rd invitation Windows SF2K Invitro by Aardbei [web] 1 7 0 0.12
4th demo Windows Ambition by The Ultimate Mayas [web] 1 1 1 0.00
5th demo Windows Bluemchen by Kekse 13 6 10 0.10
pc 64ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 64k invitation Windows fr-011: ms2001 invitation by Farbrausch [web] 54 14 2 0.74
pc 4ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k Java Zinloos 2 by Aardbei [web] 4 1 0 0.80
2nd 4k Windows Pulse by The Third Foundation [web] 1 5 0 0.17
3rd 4k MS-Dos life of a pixel by TAP [web] 16 7 3 0.50

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